Renewal of Conditions (Green Card Renewal)
If you were married for less than 2 years at the time your initial marriage-based permanent resident green card was issued to you, the expiration date lists that it expires 2 years later, which means you have been granted conditional resident status for a period of two years contingent on staying in marital union to your U.S. citizen spouse. You will be sent a notice in the mail prior to expiration from USCIS reminding you to file a form I-751 removal of conditions request (provided you have kept up to date with a change of address online if you moved since the time you were granted the initial green card). This request is typically filed by both you and your spouse and must include evidence that you have been in the marital union for the past two years. You must also file this request within the 90-day period immediately prior to your expiration date. If you and your loved one have further questions on this process, feel free to contact us today at (866)691-9894 to set up a consultation.